Tuesday, November 30, 2010

He's off, for now

Well, the kids and I (all five of them) sent daddy off today.  It didn't really hit me until this morning as he was hugging me good-bye at my van door.  We sure will miss him.  It was an early morning, the baby woke up at 4am.  As you can imagine, hubby and I were up rather late.  I will spare you the details as I am sure you get the idea.  :o)   I am emotionally and physically exhausted.  I am glad that he will get to visit for a couple days over Christmas before actually leaving for Iraq.

I have been told that once your husband is deployed, that is when shit happens.  For me, it was literal.  My husband has been quite busy the last few days with his unit duties and I did not want to bother him with home drama.  A couple evenings ago, hubby thought it a great idea to join me in the whirlpool bath.  I started draining the water a little so he could hop in.  It didn't sound good, lots of gurgling and then the water was seeping into the bathroom from the adjoining utility room drain.  CRAP.  Well, not yet literally but I promise we will get there.  After a quick assessment, my husband found that the sewer pipe was clogged near the lagoon.  He did a quick fix, removing the last clean out cap so the sewer water would drain out before the lagoon.  This would get us until tomorrow to deal with the issue.

I called my friend, and her husband agreed to come to our rescue but....  WE needed to locate the end of the sewer pipe in the shit pond (lagoon).  We have a cat tail problem and he is going to eradicate that with a back hoe.  Knowing my husband was going to have limited family time, I decided I could handle the job.  I ventured out with a hoe, apple picker pole and basket and a rake.  Fine tools to clear out cat tails and locate a sewer pipe.  I found it!  I am sure there were angels there helping guide that apple picker.  ;o)  I was able to clear out some of the cat tails too.  Hubby rented the snake machine from Home Depot and cleared the drain. Today my oldest will come home from school to watch the littles and I will go out to take down the fence around the shit pond, so the back hoe can get in to finish clearing the cat tails. 

Did I mention that in the middle of that night 2 of my kids got the stomach flu.  Shit and vomit, that is apparently how I roll.  After living the crazy preceding days to the deployment, I have decided I can handle anything this world may throw at me for the next year.

I have not even begun to discuss my derby life yet but will fill in some details tomorrow.  My son will be home soon so I must prepare to tear down a fence.